We seek to share moments that mark the life of any person.
We want to convey fundamental values: respect, sharing, solidarity, kindness and honesty.
We use sport to allow all audiences to be integrated into society.
Our activities allow us to:
- Fight against exclusion (physical, racial, social, gender, etc.)
- Work for social and human cohesion
- Bring parity
- Integrate people with disabilities

We use science to create environmental awareness.
Our activities allow us to:
- Raise awareness of environmental issues amongst the general public
- Generate unique knowledge and databases on cetaceans
- Put in place management measures for the protection of marine life
- Provide equal opportunities to men and women, independent of their cultural background

We use science and sport to educate the public on environmental protection. Our actions are built around sustainability and ecology since it is a theme that is important to us.

We organize humanitarian missions to support local communities in developing countries.
In addition, we raise awareness about disability and we act to include the disabled public through different activities. The Australian project aims to include Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their perspectives.