- De Weerdt, J., Patulny, C., Perez, N., and Blanchet, L. (2024). Records of Bryde’s whale, Balaenoptera edeni, off the Pacific coast of Nicaragua. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 104 (e40).
- Cheeseman T., Southerland K., Acebes J.M., Audley K., Barlow J., Bejder L., Birdsall C., Bradford A. Byington J., Calambokidis J., Cartwright R., Cedarleaf J., Garcia Chavez A.J., Currie J., De Weerdt J., Doe N.,Doniol-Valcroze T., Dacrott K., Filatova O., Finn R., Flynn K., Ford J., Frisch-Jordan A., Gabriele C., Goodwin B., Hayslip C. Hildering J., Hill M., Jacobsen J., Jones M., Kobayashi N., Lyman E., Malleson M., Mamaev E., Marinez-Loustalot P., Masterman A., Matkin C., McMillan C., Moore J., Moran J., Neilson J., Newell H., Okave H., Olio M., Pack A., Palacios D., Peason H., Quintana-Rizzo E., Ramirez Barragan R.F., Ransome N., Sharpe F., Shaw T., Stack S., Staniland L., Straley J., Szabo A., Teerlink S., Titova O., Urban J., van Aswegen M., Vinicius M., von Ziegesar O., Witteveen B., Wray J., Yano K., Zwiefelhofer D., Rosales-Nanduca H., Jiménez-Lopez M.E., and Clapham P. (2024). Bellwethers of change: population modeling of North Pacific humpback whales from 2002 through 2021 reveals shift from recovery to climate response. Royal Society Open Science, 11: 231462.
- De Weerdt J., Ramos E.A., and T. Acosta-Pachón. (2023). First pinniped records along the Pacific coast of Nicaragua. Aquatic Mammals. Aquatic Mammals, 50 (1): 1-7.
- Douglas A. B., Alpízar F. G., Acevedo-Gutiérrez A., Mahaffy S. D., Rasmussen K., De Weerdt J., Baird R. W., and Calambokidis J. (2023). False killer whales (Pseudorca crassidens Cetacea: Delphinidae) along the Pacific coast of Central America and Mexico: long-term movements, association patterns and assessment of fishery interactions. Revista de Biología Tropical. 71 (S4): e57189, 1-20.
- De Weerdt J., Djokic D., Sousa-Lima, R., and Pace F. (2023). First song description of the humpback whales, Megaptera novaeangliae (Balaenopteridae: Artiodactyla), breeding off Nicaragua. Revista de Biología Tropical. 71 (S4): e57281, 1-9.
- De Weerdt, J. (2023). New record of a white humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) observed in 2019 in Papeete, Tahiti. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom,
- De Weerdt, J., Pacheco A.,Calambokidis J., Castaneda M., Cheeseman T., Frisch A., Garita F., Hayslip C., Martinez-Loustalot P., Palacios M.D., Quintana E., Ransome N., Urban J., Clapham P. and Van der Stocken T. (2023). Migratory destinations and spatial structuring of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) wintering off Nicaragua. Scientific Reports.
- Rege-Colt M., Oswald J., De Weerdt J., Palacios J.D., Austin M., Gagne E., and May-Collado L.J. (2023). Whistle repertoire and structure reflect ecotype distinction of pantropical spotted dolphins in the Eastern Tropical Pacific. Scientific Reports. 13, 13449.
- Cheeseman T., Southerland K., Acebes J.M., Audley K., Barlow J., Bejder L., Birdsall C., Bradford A. Byington J., Calambokidis J., Cartwright R., Cedarleaf J., Garcia Chavez A.J., Currie J., De Weerdt J., Doe N., Doniol-Valcroze T., Dacrott K., Filatova O., Finn R., Flynn K., Ford J., Frisch-Jordan A., Gabriele C., Goodwin B., Hayslip C. Hildering J., Hill M., Jacobsen J., Jones M., Kobayashi N., Lyman E., Malleson M., Mamaev E., Marinez-Loustalot P., Masterman A., Matkin C., McMillan C., Moore J., Moran J., Neilson J., Newell H., Okave H., Olio M., Pack A., Palacios D., Peason H., Quintana-Rizzo E., Ramirez Barragan R.F., Ransome N., Sharpe F., Shaw T., Stack S., Staniland L., Straley J., Szabo A., Teerlink S., Titova O., Urban J., van Aswegen M., Vinicius M., von Ziegesar O., Witteveen B., Wray J., Yano K., Zwiefelhofer D., Rosales-Nanduca H., Jiménez-Lopez M.E., and Clapham P. (2023). A collaborative and near- comprehensive North Pacific humpback whale photo-ID dataset. Scientific reports, 13, 10237.
- Martínez-Loustalot P., Audley K., Cheeseman T., De Weerdt J., Frisch A., Guzón O., Olio M., Ortega C., Ransome N., Villegas F., and Urbán J. R. (2022). Towards the definition of the humpback whale population units along the Mexican and Central American coasts in the Pacific Ocean. Marine Mammal Science, 39 (2), 422–437.
- De Weerdt, J., Calambokidis J., Pouplard E., Pouey-Santalou V., Patulny C., Kochzius M., Clapham P. (2022). Abundance, distribution and behavior of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) along the Pacific coast of Nicaragua, Central America. Marine and freshwater Research, 73(8), 1041-1055.
- De Weerdt, J., Patulny C. and Clapham P. (2021). Marine observations of the yellow-bellied sea snake, Hydrophis platurus, off the Southwestern Pacific coast of Nicaragua, Central America. Revista de Biologia Tropical, 69 (Supp. 2):297-303.
- De Weerdt, J., Ramos, E.A., Pouplard E., Kochzius M., and Clapham P. (2021). Cetacean strandings along the Pacific and Caribbean coast of Nicaragua from 2014 to 2021. Marine Biodiversity Record. 14, 13.
- De Weerdt, J., Ramos, E.A. & Ted Cheeseman. (2020). Northernmost records of Southern Hemisphere humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) migrating from the Antarctic Peninsula to the Pacific coast of Nicaragua. Marine Mammal Science.
- De Weerdt, J. & Ramos, E.A. (2020). Feeding behavior of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) on the Pacific coast of Nicaragua. Marine Mammal Science, 36 (1), 285-292.
De Weerdt et al. 2022. Population characteristics of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) observed off the Pacific coast of Nicaragua, Central America. Speed-talk. SMM2022 in August 2022, Florida (USA).
Cheeseman T. et al. 2022. A Happy Collaboration: Basin-scale, High-throughput, AI-assisted Photo-ID Matching for North Pacific Humpback Whales. Talk. SMM2022 in August 2022, Florida (USA).
Austin M. et al. 2022. Evaluation of the Efficacy of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) for automated identification of cetacean species. SMM2022 in August 2022, Florida (USA).
De Weerdt. 2022. Protection of humpback whales through community involvement along the Pacific coast of Nicaragua. RSG Conference 06-09 February 2022. San Juan del Sur (Nicaragua).
De Weerdt et al. 2021. Ecology of humpback whales off the Pacific coast of Nicaragua, Central America. Inter-university seminar organized within the Global Mind Project. 19th August 2021, Managua (Nicaragua).
De Weerdt J. 2020. Ballenas jorobadas del Pacifico Norte en Nicaragua. Pre-conference workshop to elaborate a workplan for humpback whale conservation or the IWC. 09 March 2020. Congreso Centroamericano de cetáceos 11-13 March 2020, Panamá City (Panamá).
De Weerdt J. 2020. Presencia de dos poblaciones distintas de ballenas jorobadas (Megaptera novaeangliae) en Nicaragua. Congreso Centroamericano de cetáceos 11-13 March 2020, Panamá City (Panamá).
De Weerdt J. 2020. Presencia y distribución de los cetáceos en la costa Pacifico de Nicaragua. Congreso Congreso Centroamericano de cetáceos 11-13 March 2020, Panamá City (Panamá).
De Weerdt J. 2020. Presencia de dos poblaciones de ballenas jorobada (Megaptera novaeanlgiae) en Nicaragua – una implicación económica. RSG Conference 17-20 January 2020. Bocas del Toro, Isla Colon (Panamá)
De Weerdt J. 2019. Research and conservation of the cetaceans along the Pacific Ocean of Nicaragua. RSG Conference. 06-07 January 2019. Guatemala City (Guatemala).
De Weerdt J. 2018. Combine science and education for better conservation actions: an example in Nicaragua. Oceans of opportunities and rivers of ideas – OORI conference, 05-09 December 2018. Gent and Brussels (Belgium). Here
De Weerdt J. & Fave M. 2018. Spatio-temporal distribution of coastal spotted dolphins (Stenella attenuata graffmani) during dry season in Nicaragua. XII congreso de la sociedad Latinoamericana de especialistas en mamiferos acuaticos (SOLAMAC) – RT 18, 05-08 November 2018 Lima (Peru). Here
De Weerdt J., Pouplard E. & Lenin O. 2018. Presence and distribution of mother-calf pairs humpback whales in Central American breeding ground. XII congreso de la sociedad Latinoamericana de especialistas en mamiferos acuaticos (SOLAMAC) – RT 18, 05-08 November 2018 Lima (Peru). Here
De Weerdt J. & Pouey-Santalou V. 2015. New records of humpback whales in Nicaragua: extension of the migratory route of the Southern Pacific Breeding stock G? 21st Biennial Conference: Bridging the past toward the future, Society for Marine Mammology, December 2015, San Francisco (USA). Here
Rege-Colt et al. 2022. Whistle characterization and repertoire comparison of coastal and offshore pantropical spotted dolphins in the eastern tropical pacific. SMM2022, 01-05 August 2022, Florida (USA).
De Weerdt J., Calambokidis J., Vanschoenwinkel B., Kochzius M. Clapham P. 2021. Site choice depends on group type for endangered humpback whales occurring off the Pacific coast of Nicaragua, Central America. VLIZ Marine Science Day 2021. Online event – 3 March 2021.
Mertens G., De Weerdt J., Kochzius M. 2020. Marine distribution of Lepidochelys olivacea along the Pacific coast of Nicaragua outside the breeding season. Young Researchers Overseas Day. Online conference. 14 – 15 December 2020.
De Weerdt J. & Ramos E.A. Feeding of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in Nicaragua, Central American Breeding ground, 2nd World Marine Mammal Conference, Barcelona (Spain) 9-12 December 2019.
De Weerdt J. Pouplard E. & Oviedo L. False killer whales in Central America. World Marine Mammal Conference, Barcelona (Spain) 9-12 December 2019.
Djokic D., Oña J., Duque Mesa E., Buchan S., Sirovic A., Garland E., Malige F., Patris J., May-Collado L. J., Gonçalves M. I. , Castro C., Bouchard B., Rossi-Santos M., Pacheco A., Marcondes M., De Weerdt J., Venturini D., Baumgarten J., Padovese L., De Weerdt J., Sousa-Lima R. Building a dictionary of humpback whale song units as a tool for assessing stock interactions. World Marine Mammal Conference, Barcelona (Spain) 9-12 December 2019.
De Weerdt J., Pouplard E. and Pouey-Santalou V. 2017. Preliminary result of cetacean diversity off the Pacific Ocean of Nicaragua (Central America). 31st annual conference of the European Cetacean Society. 01-03 May 2017, Middelfart (Denmark). Here
De Weerdt J., Pouey-Santalou V. and Pouplard E. 2017. Mark-recapture method applied on two coastal pantropical spotted dolphins (Stenella attenuata graffmani) populations in Nicaragua. 22nd Biennial Conference: A marine mammal Odyssey, Eh! Society for Marine Mammology, 22-27 October 2017, Halifax (Canada). Here
De Weerdt J., Pouey-Santalou V. and Morin-Rivat J. 2015. Cetacean conservation in Nicaragua. Colloque. Capacities for Biodiversity and Sustainable Development. 26 November 2015, Brussels (Belgium).
- Borbala Kirkaly. Academic year 2023-2024. Mapping stakeholders’ views on the conservation impact of whale research and whale-watching activities in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua. Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium.
- Brunny Espinoza. Academic year 2023-2024. What can whale songs tell us about population connectivity? Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium.
- Nerea Perez. Academic year 2021-2022. Mother-calf behaviors in breeding grounds off the Pacific coast of Nicaragua. Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium.
- Leslie Blanchet. Academic year 2021-2022. Bottlenose dolphins social Structure. Université de Guadeloupe, France.
- Emma Coulembier. Academic year 2021-2022. Population genetics of Octopus sp. In Nicaragua. Master in Oceans and Lakes, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium.
- Laetitia Mitchell. Academic year 2021-2022. Acoustic comparison of two humpback whale populations off the Pacific coast of Nicaragua. Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium.
- Flaviancia Mouyabi. Academic year 2020-2021. Abundance estimate of the pantropical spotted dolphin along the Pacific coast of Nicaraugua. Master Thesis. Master in Marine and Lacustrince Science and Management, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium.
- Géraldine Mertens. Academic year 2020-2021. Marine distribution of olive ridley turtles along the Pacific Ocean of Nicaragua. Master Thesis. Master in Oceans and Lakes, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium.
- Maëline Caradec. Academic year 2019-2020. Bottlenose dolphin ecology of San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua. Bachelor thesis. Ecole d’ingénieur EME unilasalle, France.
- Aurélien Boeyen. Academic year 2017-2018. Documentary on whale and dolphin research in Nicaragua. Bachelor student at SAE Institute Brussels, Belgium.
- Margot Fave. Academic year 2016-2017. Spatio-temporal distribution of cetaceans in Nicaragua. Master Thesis. Université de Bordeaux, France.
- Lorenzo Gordigiani. Academic year 2015-2016. Spotted dolphin distribution patterns along the Pacific coast in Nicaragua. Internship as part of an academic course. Master student at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium.
- Walquiria Zofana Silva. Academic year 2015-2016. Cetacean distribution in Nicaragua. Bachelor student at Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Nicaragua (UNAN), Managua.