Come and eat for the good cause !
25 euros for aperitif, main course and dessert – coffee.
Come and eat for the good cause !
25 euros for aperitif, main course and dessert – coffee.
Two of our abstracts were accepted to be presented on the WMMC in december in Barcelone. Joelle De Weerdt and Etienne Pouplard will proudly represent the work of Association ELI-S !
OORI is an alumni networking event organized by the ICP Master programme in Marine and Lacustrine Science and Management, that will take place from 5 to 9 December 2018, at Vrije Universiteit Brussel and at Universiteit Gent. The overall theme of the event will be: « How to become a change agent in aquatic sciences?
XII Congreso de la Sociedad Latinoamericana de Especialistas en Mamíferos Acuáticos – RT 18
Come and eat for the good cause !
25 euros for aperitif, main course and dessert – coffee.
Find us on the Ocean Film Festival!
Joelle De Weerdt avec le prix John Denham décerné par Ecology Project International au Costa Rica
Join us on a garbage cleaning action in the natural reserve of Padre Ramos and help us clean the beach after Semana Santa.
SJDS Surf Film Festival exists to share stories that inspire humans to consider their relationship with nature based on a life lived in and by the ocean. It is our aim to connect with and bring together like-minded surfers, the surfing tourism industry, professional filmmakers and ocean lovers by sparking conversations about fresh ideas and past history.
Themes of surf, women empowerment, and environmental consciousness will be at the forefront of the festival as we showcase some great work created by an international group of filmmakers, photographers & artists.
Bring your family and friends and enjoy a day of great films, art, food, friends and music.
And later stop by our after party at Arribas where the Dj will make you dance till the sun comes up!